Monday, May 24, 2010

The Beginning

This project was made for my Women's and Gender Studies class. The intent was to choose a topic to become an activist for that had Women and Genders in mind. However, the true meaning of this project is to create awareness and gain support for a specific group of people. My meaning is named MacKenzie Schilling.

MacKenzie is my 7 year-old cousin. She was born with a virtually unknown disease, Turner's Syndrome. On the surface it means that she will be smaller than any typical female in her life. At 7, her baby brother already weighs more than she does. Despite this fact, Kenz is one of the most amazing human beings I have ever known. She is an avid cheerleader and could probably beat me at tee-ball. She is the happiest little girl you will ever encounter and is smarter than some of the people I graduated high school with. After my research into the subject, one of the major setbacks is the females affected by this disease tend to have severe emotional problems and although she will be eight in June, I know that Kenz will always keep that beautiful smile on her face.

Since there is currently no cure for Turner's but merely treatments to help make it somewhat easier to live with, I created this project for all of the little girls like MacKenzie.

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade :)

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