Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Challenges

The Schillings

Despite the short stature and smaller features, girls that are affected by Turner Syndrome face more emotional and psychological challenges. There aren't any government officials or activists backing these girls up, but there is a support system that they must rely on more than anyone else: their family.

It's important for parents and siblings of the young girls to understand what their daughters will be going through during the difficult lifestyle changes they will face. They need to know their role as support and practice patience.

  • Your daughter needs more frequent trips to the doctor's for well-child check-ups and for specific medical conditions.
  • Your daughter probably has to take growth hormones and endure a schedule of shots because of her short stature. She may have started taking estrogen at an early age.
  • She may be having difficulty with motor coordination, visual spatial intelligence, and social interaction.
  • She may be struggling with math, but have an advanced vocabulary for her age.
  • She might look at little different: in addition to her short stature, she may have edema or a webbed neck or a weird hairline.

What's the secret ingredient? A positive attitude.

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