Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Event

Living in a dorm hall has a long list of disadvantages and annoyances, but one thing that can be quite convenient is that you have an entire building of students at your disposal.

I organized an informational session in the lobby of my building, Wilson Hall. I hung fliers throughout the hall and sent out a Facebook invitation to the people whom I knew in the building.

I began the session by asking the same questions that I put in the survey below. Only two of the five people that attended had ever heard of Turner Syndrome, but had never met anyone with the disease.

Along with the informational session, I created a survey to discover exactly how few people know what Turner Syndrome is let alone if they have ever heard of it. I distributed it on Facebook to OU Students to get an idea.

Click here to take survey

Response Summary

Total Completed Survey: 20 (100%)

1. What is your gender?

Male: 10.0% (2)
Female: 90.0% (18)

2. What is your major?

1. Education
2. Education
3. Athletic training
4. Journalism
5. interior architecture
6. Exercise Science/Pre Physical Therapy
7. Journalism
8. Psychology
9. Political Science
10. none
11. none
12. Education
13. business
14. Digital Media
15. Broadcast Journalism
16. Journalism
17. Changing to early childhood education
18. Journalism
19. Exercise Physiology
20. Sociology/Criminiology

3. Have you ever heard of Turner Syndrome?

Yes 15.0% (3)
No 85.0% (17)

4. If yes, provide all the information you know about Turner Syndrome.

1. Makes a girls body frame smaller and have smaller features than others of that age
2. absence of a sex chromosome
3. It is a chromosome mutation where you only get one X chromosome, where you are supposed to have two. It only effects females.

5. Have you ever met or know anyone with Turner Syndrome?

Yes 5.0% (1)
No 95.0% (19)

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